The Beginner's Guide
How it works
Choose any of these methods to complete your first transaction.
starter guide
Getting started
Set up your account in less than a minute:
Input your information
Verify your email address
Select reasons for using the app
starter guide
Getting started
Set up your account in less than a minute:
Input your information
Verify your email address
Select reasons for using the app
Account Completion
Complete your profile
By completing your profile you:
Verify your identity
Fufill a regulatory requirement
Create a bio to set up your community profile
Build trust and be rated for transactions
Send /Receive Money
You can send and receive money by utilizing three different methods namely:
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) offer
Vendor offer
Daily default offer
You may also post an offer in the marketplace and wait to be matched to other community members to find a more suitable offer.
Send /Receive Money
You can send and receive money by utilizing three different methods namely:
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) offer
Vendor offer
Daily default offer
You may also post an offer in the marketplace and wait to be matched to other community members to find a more suitable offer.
Find multiple offers
Post an offer
You can select and open your offer to negotiation by using any of the following rates:
Mid-Market rates
Parallel rates
Custom-relative or Fixed
By setting up an offer with your preferred settings, we'll be able to match you with the best offer in the community.